Sunday, November 22, 2020

 "The Witch Blackbird Pond" is marvelous for young readers, aging from 9 to 12, but it would also be a great read-aloud to the family. The way the author shows history, drama, and romance all at the same time is a great mix for a book. This book exemplifies how Puritists very much disliked Quakers. The story is set in the late 17th century and starts in a quaint little town called Wethersfield. "The Witch of Blackbird Pond" shows history in such a way that you wouldn't know unless you tried really hard. The author writes such beautiful romance into the story, that any female reader will just have to swoon. Elizabeth George Speare writes in such a way that is easy to understand yet she uses a few elaborate words like "punctilious" and "intangible" which help any young readers learn a great vocabulary. The book was awarded a John Newbery Medal in 1959 and it very much deserves it. It is an enjoyment for all, I hope you like "The Witch of Blackbird Pond".          

 " The Witch Blackbird Pond" is marvelous for young readers, aging from 9 to 12, but it would also be a great read-aloud to the fa...